Is it best for a female fantasy and sci-fi writer to write using her full...


New member
Dec 31, 2010
1 or an initialized name? I've heard that some boys and men are more likely to pick a sci-fi/fantasy book written by a male over a book of the same genre written by a female, based only on the gender of the writer? Is this true? And if it is, would it be best for me (as a female) to use a name with initials in it, so the author's gender is not obvious?
I don't really think it matters as much as the quality of the content.
Women have written vampire stories and other sci-fi/horror and become famous.
I think you should use your initials. That way if you ever get a TV interview, you can surprise all the boys who read your book that yours was just as good as one written by a male. You go girl!