Is "Homo" a Derogatory Term?


Jul 29, 2008
I don't have many LGBT friends despite being a transguy myself, but I'm straight and have no experience in this field. Lesbians and gay men, do you consider "homo" a derogatory name? Would you be very offended if someone used it in a serious manner, without intending to be funny or offensive? I've always just thought of it as the Latin root meaning "one" or an abbreviation for homosexual orientation, but I don't want to inadvertently offend anyone. Thank you for any advice.
depends on how its used. in most cases yes. most people use it as a negative term.
Technically homo means man, or human. Sapien means sapient, or wise.
So, a homo sapien is a wise human.
Therefore, by calling a gay man a homo, its not really an insult, except that it is, to straight guys, if they aren't homo's too, then what species are they?
unfortunately most people take it in a negative way so i wouldn't use it if i were you.