Is a bike shop allowed to deny me service for not having 2 brakes?


Apr 11, 2008
I had a flat so I googled local bike shops in Williamsburg Brooklyn and called the closest one (Spokes & Strings, AVOID!!). The guy said he could do it right away so I walked the bike to his shop but upon arriving he took one look and said he can't change the tube unless I pay to have a second brake added (additional $50). Then he started lecturing me about friction coefficients like I was an idiot. I know the stopping power of my bike and with beefed up brake pads just added its definitely more than enough. Even if I had more than $15 to pay to have the brakes installed on the back wheel, is he allowed to do this if he stated on the phone he could change it right away? What if I was a customer with one arm arriving at that shop to get my tube changed with only a single brake, what then? Just for some additional info: Sections 1236 of New York's Vehicle and Traffic Law states "(c) Every bicycle shall be equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to make the braked wheels skid on dry, level, clean pavement." I may be breaking the law by not having a bell on my bike but in terms of brakes I am perfectly within legal bounds.