Inside the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009


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Jun 18, 2007
Inside the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009

[SIZE=-1]The American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, currently with a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee, is intended to create new jobs, save Americans hundreds of billions of dollars in energy costs, reduce global warming and pollution, and ween the country off imported oil.

The bill is unlikely to be intact by the time it reaches President Barack Obama's desk. (If you forgot your junior-high civics lessons, watch "I'm Just a Bill," part of the Schoolhouse Rock! series, to see how a bill becomes a law.) But among its current provisions, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 would:

? Fund retrofits of existing residential buildings to improve energy efficiency.

? Improve the U.S. Department of Energy's process for setting energy-efficiency standards and provide financial incentives to retailers who sell high volumes of best-in-class appliances. Read "Energy Star Has Lost Some Luster" and our post on the Appliance Standards Improvement Act of 2009.

? Require U.S. electric and gas utilities to work with customers to demonstrate savings in electricity and natural gas.

? Set limits on emissions of hydrofluorocarbons, used in refrigeration, air conditioning, and insulation, and black carbon, the product of incomplete combustion of fossil fuels or biomass.

? Require 25 percent of electricity generated for retail customers to come from renewable source by 2025 and reduce global-warming-causing pollution by 83 percent by 2050.

? Establish a market-based program for reducing global-warming pollution from electric utilities, oil companies, large industrial sources, and other industries.

? Extend programs for clean fuels, smart grids, and carbon sequestration. Federal and California clean-air and fuel-economy standards and EPA rules would be reconciled.

? Boost aid to states for clean energy and energy-efficiency projects.

? Award grants to universities and colleges to develop curriculum and training programs that prepare students for green-collar careers in renewable energy, and climate change mitigation.?Gian Trotta | e-mail | Twitter

Essential information:
"Save Energy, Save Money" details how investing in energy-efficient appliances and heating systems can save you more than $2,000 per year.

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