I'm tired of women (no homo)?


May 17, 2008
I'm sick of playing games with women. I can't find a single woman on this planet that gives a damn about anyone or anything but herself (or the children if she has some). Every time one says that she does care it tends to be a ploy to separate me from my friends and/or my wallet and/or get her pregnant so that I'm stuck with her. I have an ex-wife who I'm paying child support to and ever since I tried dating again, I see the same tricks all over again in every woman I meet. It's like being stuck in an endless loop where I always get screwed (not in the good way) at my most vulnerable. I sometimes wonder why some women can't stop being little "princesses" and start being real human beings. I'm tired of their daddy issues and I'm tired of pretending that I don't want to have sex with every single one of them no matter how ugly. I'm tired of women pretending they're not long-term prostitutes when they really are. I'm just tired of the games.

Can someone please tell me if I'm just crazy or if this the real world?
I love the canned answers here.... am I just too jaded?