I'm 5'4 and I weight 150, I want to lose some weight! Help!?


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I want to lose weight.
I'm not vegetarian because it's hard to give up all that meat at once but I'm gradually cutting down and hopefully, will soon be vegetarian. (not to lose weight, I just really feel bad for the animals and all)
I have one more week of march break, so each day I'm going to run on the tredmill for two hours.

What else should I do?
What foods should I eat?
Keep in mind, I can't cook :( and nor is there anyone to cook for me... so most of the time, I have to rely on fast food or ready made stuff... give me easy recipes for healthy foods, please. <3
I want to lose at least 30 pounds.
If each day for the next week, I cut down my calories to 1200ish, run the tredmill for 2 hours and eat the healthy food advised by you people, how much sshould i approx. lose that week?
And I know this is a long and continuous process so I will continue to run the tredmill for hopefully 1 hour or at least 30 mins each day afterwards.