I'm 20 years old and my patents are making me come on vacation with them...


Jennifer R

...is there any way to get out of it?? oK im now an aunt but my parents are making me go on vaction with them and i dont really want to what can i do and or say to them to make them real lize that im not a little kid??? please no rude answers
yes I am an aunt of a baby boy who ways 15 lbs and 8ozs
I would go on vacation, and be very pleasant, and enjoy it. It may be the last family vacation for you.
By patents, I'll assume you mean parents :) You have every right to simply refuse to go, you're twenty years old, they can't make you do anything!
How are they making you go, if you're not a dependent child? Are you willing to give up whatever hold they have on you, in order to be independent of them? If you're not ready to give up what most 20-year-olds are still getting from their parents, such as, food, housing, clothes, paid education ... then you get to deal with when your priorities and theirs don't match. As long as they're paying the bills, they call the shots.
Well, if you live under your parents roof or they provide your support, it would be disrespectful of you not to go on vacation with them if that's what they want. You don't realize it now, but in years to come, you will miss having this opportunity. I wish I had the money to go somewhere, anywhere, no matter who was with me! And I would love for my parents to be in good enough health to be able to go on vacation with me.
you need to sit down with your patents and let them know how you feel about going on the trip and let them know you are not a little girl any more
now that you are older you can say that you have work or that you need to be focused on your studies. And if that doesnt work you should tell them that you dont have the money to payfor the trip and that you dont want them to pay for it!
I actually dont think that it is THAT bad because now that you are older, you dont have to be with them the whole time. you can enjoy yourself more. they will probably leave you alone for a bit. If they dont, then you can remind them how old you are. but if you desspretly dont want to go on the trip, then just try to use the above.
I think that it is a good idea that you dont want to hurt teir feelings and that you are seeking independence! Good Luck!
Move out of their house and don't accept all that much financial help from them and you can make all of the decisions about your life that you want to make. Until then, there's not much you can do about it.