if you had 3 celebrity guys to make love to you who would it be in order of priority?


New member
Feb 25, 2008
My own liking is 1st brad pitt for his great body, 2 roy dupuis for his magnetism and sex appeal, the way he looks into the eyes,3 tom cruise for his face and charisma not for his character if i had to choose in the end amongst all 3 it will be roy dupuis that i love most
guys are hot
1. Jude Law
2. Chris Fountain
3. Um can I have Jude twice incase I forget the first time?
3. Jack White (for his supreme talent and style)
2. James Marsters (as Spike!)
1. Johnny Depp (as anything!!! Though preferably Jack, yummy.
I have a wide range of "types" of men that I like, but here goes:

1. Garth Brooks
2. Matthew McConahey
3. Mark Ruffalo

All hot! And can I have all 3 at one time? Does that count?