If a person is vehemently against the IDEA of god shouldn't they also be so to for


Active member
May 12, 2008
aliens? I understand organized religion and god are somewhat inextricable. HOWEVER, here I wish to address simply the concept of god.

I know alien believers have been labeled by some as conspiracy theorists. Yet the idea of god has received much more scrutiny especially by the skeptical community than the idea of aliens.
(Of course this is partly because dogma and violence come with one and not the other.)

I think among skeptics there are those opposed to organized religions and those opposed to even the IDEA that a god could exist. I'M talking about the second kind here.

I don't see how there is much of a difference in principle especially since some people are under the impression that GOD IS AN ALIEN.

....If that's the case then believing in a aliens it seems SHOULD be receiving equal scrutiny by skeptics who have an issue solely with the idea of god (as well as the usual organized religion)
Aliens are such a wonderful time-consuming fantasy.Why spoil people's fun?If you don't believe in God it's important to find something else to exercise your God- given faith.:lick ice:
because there is a huge difference between the belief in a god versus the belief in the possibility of aliens, they are not comparable.
However possibly aliens,just not our masters.
Next time you have a thought,let it go.