I was a passenger on a moped that ran a stop sign and a SUV hit me in


Jul 22, 2008
missouri,can I sue the SUV? Oct. 3, 2010 moped north bound on sergeant, SUV west bound on C st. go to maps.google.com for street level birds eye view. She claims nobody can see stop sign from 1/2 to 1 block away, despite 5 pm clear visibility. No skid marks found from any SUV attempt to stop. what criminal charges can she be brought up on for purposely hitting me on a 49cc moped yamaha vino 2006 with no helmet as missouri law requires no helmet on 49cc? What can I sue for, blatant disregard for life safety, property,etc, since I was taken on backboard and neck brace to ER? If it happen to a celeb or politician or Obama would there be a different outcome, or can gang bangers murder each other now with the stop sign alibi? case on joplin mo. PD website for impact distance. 10-10286 Can anyone calculate speed of both moped and SUV from this accident report 10-10286 and determine soonest reaction time she had in SUV to attempt to minimize damage? God Bless and much love to one and all.
Oct. 3, 2010 moped north bound on sergeant, SUV west bound on C st. go to maps.google.com for street level birds eye view. Her kids told her a half block away to stop ! She gunned it. (DFS ?) She claims nobody can see stop sign, despite 5 pm clear visibility. No skid marks found from any SUV attempt to stop. what criminal charges can she be brought up on for purposely hitting me on a 49cc moped yamaha vino 2006 with no helmet as missouri law requires no helmet on 49cc? What can I sue for, blatant disregard for life safety, property,etc, since I was taken on backboard and neck brace to ER? If it happen to a celeb or politician or Obama would it be a different outcome, or can people murder each other now with the stop sign alibi? Joplin MO. PD website (reports) for impact distance. Can anyone calculate speed of both moped and SUV from this accident report 10-10286 and determine soonest reaction time she had in SUV to attempt to minimize damage? God Bless and much love to one and all.
Soory, first post here so thought it redid it. Out of curiosity, could CPS DFS,etc cite the mother for child endangerment putting kids in harms way, since kids told her stop? Why allow her to drive if she claims glare and she can't see? Could she also have hit other motorist, even if I were not there as a lawyer stated? If you can't see the road, why risk kids life ???? Defective brakes aside, the SUV is accountable to 100,000.00 and injuries caused by negligence, contributory negligence,etc. One attorney says possible 500,000.00 claim by me on SUV. Had I died it was involuntary vehicular manslaughter according to a Judge and DA. They both claim potential 500,000.00 possible. Why and how ????
Let me understand this.

The driver of the Moped ran a stop sign, and got hit by another vehicle and it it the other drivers fault?

It was not the SUV's fault that you got hit. Possibly you could sue the driver of the Moped.
So you were on the vehicle that ran the stop sign? You have no right to sue her. The person driving the moped should have obeyed the traffic laws. The SUV driver was not at fault.
Hi. You're obviously pretty upset about this situation but you seem to misunderstand some things about the law in the U.S.

Harm done to you by others is known as "tort" law. You can sue (a civil matter) for damage done to you. But your lawyer will ask you "where's the tort?" You talk a lot about what could have happened, but I don't see much about the actual harm you have suffered. What are your hospital bills, are you presently in pain, do you need medical care, are you able to work? These are the things that you can be compensated for.

Finally, please take this as a clear sign that you need to wear a helmet. It doesn't matter how small the scooter is, or what the law is in your state - helmets protect your head. If you continue to ride I'd also recommend a leather jacket, reflective vest, gloves, and sturdy boots. Good luck.