I want to write an epic high school romance (+BQ)?


New member
Apr 27, 2008
Well, I feel like I'm going to be killed with fire for both asking this AND reposting, but yes~ I want to write an epic Romance that takes place in a high school.

I'm going to attempt to make it a massively satirical parody of every high-school romance cliche I can cram in. I'm probably not going to take this project very seriously, it'll probably look extremely 'try-hard', and will be so ridiculously romantic at face value that it might make you vomit... but I'm inviting you all to give me any ideas or random thoughts you have so I can gather it into a whirling maelstrom of mushy craziness.
Here's my vague summary:
Their lives looked completely cliché at that moment. Power-play mixed with Hate and Lust. Every stereotype, every Fairytale, twisted and broken. Love is a battle-field of broken hearts. (This doesn't tell you anything, does it)

Anyway~ I don't plan to write this for myself, I'll have fun with it for sure, but I'm writing this to laugh at the face of cliche Romance. And for others to laugh with me at the face of cliche Romance.

1. What romance cliches really piss you off?
2. What's something you always wished would happen in a cliche (and stupid) high-school Romance which would probably ruin it, but totally make it awesome in your eyes?
3. What's the perfect setting for a cliche high-school Romance? How about a rich boarding school? What generic characters should I use?
4. Any other cliches/stereotypes/commonly used romance tropes you can think of...
5. Your general opinion on a project like this, ranging from: 'You're a total idiot, Chae, give up' to 'LOL I WANT TO WRITE THIS TOO'

BQ 1: Are you vegetarian? Have you ever wanted to be/considered being a vegetarian? Why?
BQ 2: What's the cutest animal you can think of?
BQ 3: Have you ever tried the NaNoWriMo? (www.nanowrimo.org if you don't know what it is - check it out)
BQ 4: Have you ever been guilty of writing a really formulaic plot?
BQ 5: If you were thrown into the plot of your story, would your presence make a huge difference? Who would you be? An antagonist? Protagonist? Supporting character? Someone who will probably die very very soon?
BQ 6: Name 10 things in your room right now
BQ 7: Linking back to my original questions~ Almost everyone goes through the phase of Puppy love. When was yours? What was it like?
BQ 8: What is the lowest you'd stoop to earn money to keep yourself alive?
BQ 9: Do you own something strange/interesting/weird that most other people don't? (For example, when I was 8, my mother wanted to cut my hair, but I didn't want to lose it, so I plaited it into beribboned braids, which were then cut off and then put in an enamel box. I still have that hair now)
BQ 10: Is anyone afraid of you that you know of? ;D Do you ever wish you were more intimidating/scary?

Happy writing~

@Vera: D: ..but you only answered question 5...come back...
1. What romance cliches really piss you off?
Love at first sight, specifically cliche love triangles.

I have to go to sixth form now! But I will return to answer the rest later, promise! (Answering to remind myself. Don't repost it again - I'll be back.)
Cliches I hate: (too many to list but here goes)

The main female character is always described as "ordinary yet stupendously beautiful" and she sees herself as "average" ala Bella Swan, yet everyone falls all over themselves to say how gorgeous she is and every guy wants her. The author bangs it into our heads over and over again how average and ordinary she is. (A good exception to this is in Unearthly where the lead character knows she's good looking and as such, doesn't spend oodles of time agonizing over her appearance or thinking that guys wouldn't be into her because she's "ordinary".)

The main character never thinks that the guy would be into her because she's "average". Too many authors do this and it's really frustrating. Can't we have a character who goes through this a little but still thinks "gee, the guy actually likes me- I must be something pretty cool". I know people think about this stuff but the books just overkill this so often.

The main character or the love interest is a special little snowflake that's so awesomely cool or is the loner or is an outcast or is something that makes them stand out like a disco ball in a dance hall. I love YA books where the main character (who is usually a girl) isn't ostracized by everyone in her school and isn't so goth that she s**** bats and everyone hates her. Goth and punk are pretty mainstream now so I'm just tired of authors treating it like it's the equivalent of someone doing this during the 90s.

The whole "fairies have to go to normal schools and be teenagers" thing. Why is that? So many people just have them show up in schools but have no real reason to have them there. If fairies could glamor up anything they wanted, why would they waste their time sitting in a classroom every day for years and years?

The "this girl is special" trope. I both love and hate this trope. Unless there's a very good reason for it, most books have the supernaturals falling all over the main character for no good reason. It's a necessary trope since you can't really do a story without it in some form or fashion but so many authors pervert it to the point where we get Bella Swan having everyone fall all over her because she poops monkeys or something like that.

Cliche locations:

Ordinary school in a boring town. I can understand supernatural creatures wanting to be in New York or San Francisco since it'd be easier to hide amongst the weird population. I can understand them wanting to be in Forks or in Death Valley since there's nobody there. But why in the @*&@#@$-ing heck would the King and Queen of all things Fae want/need to live in Jersey Shore or Redneck, USA? It makes no sense!

My opinion on this project:

Hey, could be funny if done right.
Cliches I hate: (too many to list but here goes)

The main female character is always described as "ordinary yet stupendously beautiful" and she sees herself as "average" ala Bella Swan, yet everyone falls all over themselves to say how gorgeous she is and every guy wants her. The author bangs it into our heads over and over again how average and ordinary she is. (A good exception to this is in Unearthly where the lead character knows she's good looking and as such, doesn't spend oodles of time agonizing over her appearance or thinking that guys wouldn't be into her because she's "ordinary".)

The main character never thinks that the guy would be into her because she's "average". Too many authors do this and it's really frustrating. Can't we have a character who goes through this a little but still thinks "gee, the guy actually likes me- I must be something pretty cool". I know people think about this stuff but the books just overkill this so often.

The main character or the love interest is a special little snowflake that's so awesomely cool or is the loner or is an outcast or is something that makes them stand out like a disco ball in a dance hall. I love YA books where the main character (who is usually a girl) isn't ostracized by everyone in her school and isn't so goth that she s**** bats and everyone hates her. Goth and punk are pretty mainstream now so I'm just tired of authors treating it like it's the equivalent of someone doing this during the 90s.

The whole "fairies have to go to normal schools and be teenagers" thing. Why is that? So many people just have them show up in schools but have no real reason to have them there. If fairies could glamor up anything they wanted, why would they waste their time sitting in a classroom every day for years and years?

The "this girl is special" trope. I both love and hate this trope. Unless there's a very good reason for it, most books have the supernaturals falling all over the main character for no good reason. It's a necessary trope since you can't really do a story without it in some form or fashion but so many authors pervert it to the point where we get Bella Swan having everyone fall all over her because she poops monkeys or something like that.

Cliche locations:

Ordinary school in a boring town. I can understand supernatural creatures wanting to be in New York or San Francisco since it'd be easier to hide amongst the weird population. I can understand them wanting to be in Forks or in Death Valley since there's nobody there. But why in the @*&@#@$-ing heck would the King and Queen of all things Fae want/need to live in Jersey Shore or Redneck, USA? It makes no sense!

My opinion on this project:

Hey, could be funny if done right.
1. Love triangles.
Love at first sight.
The guy loves her back straight away.
2. Probably the guy hated the girl, and she got all emo and stuff, and he didn't give a crap and got married to some chick xD
3. A public high school, full of sluts and jocks and other stereotypical people. OH, and that innocent little scene girl who always goes "Rawr!!" but has secretly done every guy in town.
4. Guy rescues girl from something, then admits his love.
Girl actually wants to have physical contact.
Another girl tries to steal the guy.

BQ1: I'm vegan.
BQ2: Cat!
BQ3: No...
BQ4: Yeah. x_x
BQ5: I would change my story a lot. I'd save them all :D
BQ6: Pillow, bed, blanket, possibly a cat, books, pens (lots of them), school bag, heaps of sketch books, loose paper and posters. (I'm not in my room right now xD)
BQ7: Was 12. Hated it. Didn't sleep. Nuff said.
BQ8: Stripping xD No touching, though.
BQ9: I have a massive collection of beanies, wigs and hats etc. And long socks.
BQ10: Yeah, my cat xDD I wish I could be, but I'm so gentle.
