i want to travel in america for 1year but i am not a student, how do i...


New member
Mar 30, 2009
...apply for a visa and whats needed? i have money and family in america, i plan to travel around and go to many different places. im english and 21.
What's your connection to this family? If your mother or father is American than you're already a citizen and can leave any time you like and stay as long as you like. For you, this is probably not the case so, you need to apply for a visa. You can get a working visa, this means that as long as you hold down a job you can live in the country. You can also apply for a green card or just vacation for a year, you can go on vacation for a year with your passport
Busty from what ive read you get family living in america to spornsor you this must be a way of vouching for you to get a visa.