I want to start my own religion.?


Active member
May 11, 2008
I'm the greatest and best person who has ever lived, I think people should praise and worship me. How do i get my religion recognized by the government , so i wont have to pay taxes anymore.
Depends on where you live; the procedure is a state one, not federal. You will need a couple of other people, and a form from the Secretary of State. You probably have to pay a filing fee, but it won't be very much.

Taxes is another matter. It's the church itself, not the individuals involved, that are tax exempt. So unless you donate all your income and probably a good bit of your property to the church, you will still have to pay taxes.

Don't quit your day job.
I think you should visit a Psychiatrist and ask him to prescribe you Zyprexa or call 911, you are having a delusion body.
Smart I think I'll have to do the same.

Realistically pick something else to worship besides yourself
Ask your state... although proclaiming YOURSELF as god is most likely not elligble for tax cuts.

You could possibly get it recognized as a religion, but being God doesn't mean you can live tax free. I bet Jesus paid taxes, like Muhammed and Bhudda... *maybe taxes are after Bhudda's time*

But anyways, yeah... most likely that is the case.
LOL seriously? your own religion? wow i dont even know what to say. ever try having kids they make a pretty good tax shelter wont get rid of all your taxes but some. lol never mind i dont want you to procreate
For $25 I will send you a packet on how to start your own tax exempt religion. Money back guaranteed.
Two things, kid.
1. It is possible... as long as you can keep a striaght face; I couldn't.
2. Become less scattered; become focused.
Get a big following, get yourself hunted down and killed or almost killed. Possibly come back to life. Survive the test of time, have followers at least 500 years from now. And you're good to go.

What'd you think it would take? Idiot.