I think my fish has fin rot?



I don't think I've ever asked so many questions about my fish before...

I posted a couple days ago (or something like that) because I thought my betta, Rodney, might have ich. I saw some white on the base of his head, but after debating with a friend whose fish had ich before, we decided it wasn't.

Now I'm afraid of fin rot. I don't remember what Rodney's fins looked like before...I should've been more observant, I know. But (I think they're called the pectoral fins, the ones right under his gills?) now there seems to be a white discoloration at the base of his pectoral fins (sorry if I'm wrong on the terminology). Also, the tips of his fins, which are a blue/purple color, are almost transparent. I can barely see the little lines that run through, unless I am staring at him intently.

He's also been getting cranky lately. He flared up at me when I fed him today, and he never does that.

His tail fins are fine, still long, not frayed or torn or anything.

Please help!
My fish had fin rot. He's not a beta, but I think it pretty much works the same in most fish. I just bought some of that medicine at the pet store that's specifically for fin rot - it worked really well!! Good luck!