i really need help, my fish are dying I don't know why? PLEASE?


May 20, 2008
I have a 55 gallon communal tank. 1 XL Angelfish, 5 asst Gouramis, 3 Yellow rams, 3 serpae tetras, 3 guppies, 7 platies, 8 rummynose tetras, 8 neon tetras, 6 zebra danios, 5 snails. They have been this way for many months and no problems.

3 weeks ago 1 of the guppies got a very large stomach. Looked like a tumor growing but he was still very happy swimming around no problems. I took him out, quarantined him, he died after 3 days. Last week, I found my favorite platy on the floor unable to move, breathing very hard. I took her out, moved her into a quarantine tank. She hasn't moved much in a week, hasn't eaten anything, but still alive.

Last night I found a serpae tetra being eaten by a snail on the floor. No idea when he died or how. Then last night I found a yellow ram still alive but stuck in the filter, just no energy to move. After a while he swam away. Also found and a platy on the floor gasping for breath.

Water parameters are all normal: 24 degrees celcius, no ammonia, no nitrites, and mitrates are at 5 ppm.

I don't see white spots anywhere, I don't see anything physically wrong. What could it be??? Pleaase!