I looked at my boyfriends cell phone and I want to talk to him about what I


May 18, 2008
saw in it? I looked at my boyfriends cell phone last night, because I guess Im insecure and wanted to reassure myself (I know what I did was wrong). However when I looked at it I noticed all his call history was erased and he had his phone on airplane mode. Additionally he had called me on his way home from work, so in between getting off the phone with me and getting home his calls were deleted as the call to me was not there either. Then when I looked at his txt messages there was a txt from a phone number that did not have a name attached to it and in the message it said "do you wnat to meet up later" this message had been sent on Sunday and he did not respond to it, so I dont know if it was someone he dated before or what (we have been together for a year and are living together). In anycase its driving me crazy but Im afraid to bring it up because I shouldnt of been looking in his phone in the first place. Any suggestions on how to handle this would be great.