I have a problem connecting my Nokia 3250 to my computer with PC Suite. please...


New member
Apr 10, 2008
...help me out.? ok, heres the thing. I have a nokia 3250 phone. I tried connecting it to the computer with the usb cable, but there is a problem. it detects the phone and even shows up in pc suite. for like 5 seconds. then it detects sumthing else and a windows baloon pops up saying "Nokia Device Bus connected in non-compatible mode. Change it from UI" and then whr it says "nokia 3250 connected" on pc suite...it says multiple phones connected. Also, before, when I used to actually use this phone alot..i used to connect it to the computer and use it as a modem and use my service providers internet on my computer..but now it says "no modems found" when i try to connect. another problem is, when ever i start pc suite...it asks me to connect to the internet before it can run...and if i cancel that, pc suite crashes. please advice me on this one. any help is appreciated. thanks.
You should use the CD which contains the installation program which connects the phone to PC