I have a job interview tomorrow within my company, but there is politics...


New member
Aug 28, 2008
...involved, need help...? Here is a little overview- I have been working for this company for the last 3+ years. We have internal job postings(IJP) come up every now and then. This is the first time I have applied for an IJP to move to another unit as a team lead. I am a senior analyst in my current unit.
Well the problem is, my current unit bosses are promising me a 90% chance of becoming a team lead in the same unit in 3-4 mnths. My boss told me that if i go for this interview tomm, then the bigger bosses mite not like. Well the guy who is telling me this is not the best to trust. I don’t know to how many others he will promise a position.
So finally, do I go ahead with this interview and not regret later for not trying. (I mite not crack the interview). Or do I wait for 3-4 or more months and see if these guys really give me a position here. You know I have always been unlucky and have always regretted for not doing something or for doing certain stupid things.

thanks all you guys for answering, got some grt insights from you.
Yes, I will not use 'mite', its just that i'm typing on answers so I choose short forms.