I hate my teacher!! should I drop her class? (food and nutrition)?


May 17, 2008
My teacher doesn't like me. When my group and me were cooking, we almost had no idea what we were doing. (we are slow) And when she sees us do something wrong, she crosses her hand at us and stare at us like we were idiots. When I got a cup of sugar instead of half she asked :

"what are you doing?"
me : "getting a cup of sugar."
her : "where did it say that on the instructions?"
me : "well the girl in the group told me to get it"

trying to get half a cup of sugar again..

her : "what are you doing? is that half a cup?"
me : "no.."
her : "did you level it?"
me : no
her : you don't know how to level, don't you?

i am a very slow learner and i have never cooked in my life.

i also think she is racist against colored people. should i drop her class with an F? it's just food and nutrition, right?
i just did what my group told me. it wasn't all my fault.
I am almost not interested in this class, if even at all.
Maybe you should follow directions. If everyone else in your group isn't following instructions, ask to be moved. Teachers are sucky at times but it just sounds like you don't listen to her and you used the excuse that you are a slow learner. If I were you I'd talk to her about the issues, that's the only way to truly solve them. Good Luck :)
Sorry to hear that. She seems like she really lacks pedagogics or good teaching skills. You should complain, just like you've done to us. Talk to her or the head master/ principle.
If she's not helping you she's not doing her job. She has no reason to behave like that.