i found an Audi i want are they good cars?


Jul 6, 2008
i found 3 Audi's that im interested in and im getting my license next december *im 14) and i really like these cars ones a 2000 Audi A4 1.8T - $4950 with 118000 miles and the other is a 2000- Audi A4 quattro for $4800 with 131000 milies and the other is a 1999 Audi a4 2.8 quattro - $3400 with 100000 miles
the 2000- Audi A4 quattro is the best looking one so which one should i get? are they good reliable cars?
Reliability issues are a problem with audi. My colleagues had them as work cars which were free. They now use their own vehicle due to them being rubbish. They are heavily styled inside these days. They are just remapped Volkswagon's pretty much!
I have a euro BMW evo coupe M3 and a BMW 328i coupe. Also rear wheel drive cars are better. Four wheel drive has to much drag - especially round corners. Also audi seem to employ front wheel drive on all of their non quattro vehicles. If you just wish to fit a current fashion-sure buy an audi. BMW is a nice car. Have a look at a nice e46 325 or even better the new 1series coupe.
If you want a vag(volkswagon audi group)- i would insist you peruse the golf selection.
From what I have heard, they aren't bad cars. They are hardly my cup of tea, but good cars none the less.

I'd say get the 1999. It has less miles and is cheaper. Check the pricing and specs on kbb.com (it has always served me well).

I'm not entirly sure an Audi would be the best choice for a new driver, but it is far from the worst choice. Have a parent or older sibling check the car out, including test drive, before you even consider buying.