Hunting is not black and white.?


New member
Mar 14, 2009
I have been involved in different aspects off hunting. I do have great concern for what we do to our wildlife but what I find is that I am an outcast when it comes to vegetarians who seem to me think they are more caring etc for wildlife than myself because I am both a meat eater and hunter.

Most of the ones I talk to who are involved in some way for conservation or banning some aspects of hunting, none off them think logicically. They think the world will be put to rights if all cull of animals stopped and we all turn into vegetarians. They think as a townie with all there conveniences at there feet thinking how easy it is within there bubble to live without meat. What about nomadic people in Siberia, they cant live off vegetable alone etc. Thinking it is acceptable for animals to die naturally, I doubt they have ever seen an animal dying, I have and it is horrible, better put it out of its misery. We have rid of the wolf which like the deer is a forest animals, bring them back would be unwise and selfish and cruel only because there is no habitat for them.

How can they say everything about hunting is bad with the only evidence they have are form poorly run estates. I come from an estate that unlike anywhere all I have seen is full of nature thriving with hunting. It was wonderful and magic, memories I will treasure. I am fortunate to experience hunting and killing which gives me rights to decide what is right and wrong not like most who watch videos and have never worked or lived in the countryside.

Hunting or culling is needed for the balance of nature, nature would never have left animals just to get on with it. As humans we have destroyed so much so it is our dutie and responsibility to restore balance, maybe a more harsh punishment for offenders and education for all so that everyone can see for themselves the importance of hunting and killing.

Scotlands nature is under threat from peoples misguided actions by letting Mink out into the wilderness. Trusts that front conservation like John Muir Trust and SNH slaughter thousands of deer form helicopters leaving there bodies to rot on the hill side. My beliefs is that when you kill an animal you respect and eat it if you can, not put it to waste.

Why is it that there main concern is not the damaging effect our uncontrollable population and using man-made products that pollute and poison the world which ironic die hard wildlife activists use!!

No matter what, the world will never stop eating meat so why continue flogging a dead horse and take action by reducing use on man made products, abuse, over population etc!!!

Please no violent comments or you will be blocked!!
WIZ: that's what my respectable deer stalker said to me, if you want to see nature and all its glory go to a good run estate with a gamekeeper!!
No need for that Desert care taker, its about preserving, there will be no deer if we do nothing and let them over breed to destruction. Where I live it is run so well that out with hunting season you step one foot on the hill and nature unfolds!!
just imagine your a mindless doe sipping water from a babbling brook, and BAMB, a bullet rips open your skull and spills your brains onto the ground. Now I ask, do you really give a **** what the philosophy of the shooter was?
Will you marry me? Seriously though, it isn't just a black or white issue. I can understand if people were worried if we were all trying to eat pandas or other other endangered animals, but most of the animals we eat (chicken, cow, fish, pigs, turkey...) are in no danger of being endangered. Thank you for sharing your unbiasedopinion. So many of my vegan friends are only getting their opinions from the PETA website. I'm a big nature lover myself, but it's just the food chain and the circle of life, to me. Eating meat and hunting is natural and you can't ultimately do away with either.
The people most involved in conservation and preservation of wildlife are hunters. Vegetarians kill things to eat also, they just happen to be plants. Unless they only wear plant based clothing and plastic shoes and belts, also use slain animal parts.