How to stop my dog from whining for food?


New member
Sep 5, 2010
My puppy whines and whines and whines when me and my boyfriend eat.

We've tried just ignoring it, it just gets worse. She starts jumping on you and wacking you with her paws and yelping and backing and growling. There's been a few times when she would grab stuff straight off the plate, or she'd be jumping so much stuff would fall on the floor.
We've tried crating her so she wouldn't sit right in front of us and beg. She sat there rattling the cage door and whining.
We moved it to another room, same thing, but louder whining.
We tried putting her outside when we eat, she sits there yelping and scratching at the door.

She doesn't get starved. She gets a [total of] 1 cup of food a day. Plus treats from basic training (sit, stay, come), which she is doing great with. We never have fed her from our plates either. The only time she's gotten human food (beside apple and carrot) is when a piece gets dropped and that's not very often with me.

She's an 8 month old Italian Greyhound. And she is spayed.

Any tips on what to do about her bombarding and whining for food?
I'd like to point out, the meal sizes we give her are 3, 1/3 cups a day. 2 of dry and 1 of wet.
That's what our VET said feed her, hell, she weighs 16lbs. That's 2lbs over her maximum weight.

*I'm from FL, so I'm still getting used to the NC cold. It's getting harder to take her from longer walks lately, which is, sadly, the cause of her slight weight gain. We are working on it though!
Didn't I say we tried that already? Doesn't work when we have to keep repainting the doors where she's scratched the paint off, or when the upstairs neighbor complains to the office about the noise.
You have to ignore your dog or say a comand with a lot of energy, I personally say no! my 4 dogs get it, they all no means no... I dont mess around I say no puting my hand close to their face, you have to mean it, if you dont mean it they will keep insisting. You just need to practice, it really works.
Try giving her 1/3 cup dry food with 2 tablespoons plain can pumpkin mixed in 3 x a day. Feed her in a different room with the door shut and put her in her cage and give her meals to her when you sit down to eat and don't talk or check on her while you are eating. And take her for a walk - play with her before you both eat. And when she is being good praise her.