How To (Safely) Do A Food Allergy Elimination Diet


Jun 17, 2007
Gluten, lactose, shellfish, peanuts. No matter what the food, it seems like someone you know*can't eat*it. People might roll their eyes when you explain you're allergic to gluten, but food allergies are serious business. Luckily, public awareness of food allergies is growing rapidly, as is the need for more knowledge about them: what they are, how to diagnose them, and how to live with them. That upset stomach you get after eating a bowl of ice cream might mean you have a dairy allergy, or maybe just an intolerance. Whatever your symptoms, it's becoming more and more important to be able to diagnose a food allergy (or intolerance!) properly.Food allergies are a little different from food intolerances, although both can cause lots of discomfort. Generally, food allergies are associated with an immune system response, and food intolerances are associated with a digestive system response. The symptoms of both, like diarrhea, nausea and bloating, can often overlap, though, so an elimination diet might be a good way to find out which foods make you feel like crap and why. More »Post from: Blisstree