How to pass a nicotine test in 19 hours?


May 14, 2008
Ok so I'm 16 years old, 105 lbs., and I have been trying to quit smoking lately. I smoked three cigarettes today and sprayed aerosol in my car. I have been caught before, which prompted me to stop smoking, although it hasn't been easy. I'm down to about two every day, sometimes only one. However, I do smoke every day. Anyways, my last cigarette was at 10 pm tonight and my mom came home and suspected me of smoking again. I feel as though she might test me tomorrow, but it would be around 7 pm. I have some Lipton tea that is the same color as urine, but I'm wondering if there is anything I could do to rid my body of nicotine or if Lipton tea would yield negative test results. I do not want to tell my parents I am trying to quit smoking, as that would certainly send them off the edge. Is there anything I could do in a urine test to yield negative results, such as diluting, adding chemicals, or anything like that? Please help! I have 19 hours to get rid of nicotine. Also, my metabolism is very active and I am taking B-12 vitamins, if that is of any use