How to change a timing chain on a 2000 Chevy Cavalier


New member
Jul 17, 2008
The car has a 100,000 miles on it, it runs decent but makes a tinging/slight grinding noise I've been told by a mechanic friend is the timing chain, he told me I should replace it soon because this type of engine is not a interference engine.

I like to work on my car myself, and recently replaced a timing belt on my 94 camry (with help of course) not too long ago, I have a few parts to this question:

A: How much harder is a timing CHAIN to replace as apposed to a BELT.

B. How much time should I allot myself before taking on the project.

C. My mechanic friend offered to fix it for around 300.00, would be it better to just let him fix it and spend the money or get a Hanes manual, the proper tools and gain the experience for future use?
A. The chain is actualy easier in most cases.
B. I would allow a weekend for a first timer, working cautiously and with plenty of read the book breaks.
C. By the time you buy the parts, and few tools you will need you would in reality not save much. Since this is a seldom needed repair I would recommend having the friend do it, and drink a glass of wine.
it is harder to change a chain then a belt. if you have a chain, then i will tell you how to do it. first, get everything out of your way, pull the crank pully,pull the damper with a puller, take off the timing cover,put the crank to where the dot on the gear is at 12 oclock, take off the chain and change both the crank and cam gear. before you put the cam gear on, put the chain on the crank gear, then the cam gear. both of the gears should be pointing at 6 and 12 oclock, there,s dots on both gears. after you get the gears and chain on, clean the timing cover up and change the timing seal, put a new timing cover gasket on and bolt it back up, put everything back on, start your car, hook up a timing light and mark it on the timing scale to where it times at, turn the distributor to where the mark is at, and tighten the distributor.