How long do I cook these chicken breasts for?


New member
Apr 6, 2011
Hi there! I am making BBQ chicken in a glass pan. The recipe says place chicken in a pan. It does not specify a pan but I only have glass one. In any case, it says to cover pan tightly with foil and cook 30-35 minutes.Then it says to uncover and cook for an additional 30 minutes. The chicken breast's package says to put it on a baking sheet and cook the chicken for 17-21 minutes on 350. What do you think the appropriate time would be in the glass pan? Oh my goodness I just noticed that the recipe with the glass pan does not give the temperature I should put the oven on! If you know this to it would be great. What a mess I have already thawed the chicken and my family doesn't like it plain. Thanks a billion for your help!