How do you call it when people think there's a religion for their personal worldview?


New member
May 24, 2012
Every day there's someone on R&S that describes to us in detail their own personal worldview. They then want to know "what religion is this?"

How do you call this misconception? The idea that a religion is nothing more than a set of ideas, and that for each set of ideas there is a match with a religion?

It's like asking "I like tomatoes, grilled food, soy sauce. Waiters should greet you with "aloha". I like spices but not too much. The atmosphere should be cozy, like a living room. Which restaurant is this?" Instead of asking "which restaurant would suit my preferences best?"

Bonus question: why do people do this? If you're not basing your beliefs on what you've been taught by one organization, then why would you think your beliefs match with those of any organization?
I believe in Jesus Christ, although I wouldn't say I'm religious. I have a PERSONAL relationship with Jesus Christ. I'm in my early 20's now, but when I was a teenager I wanted to know if this whole thing was real, so I humbly, with an open mind and heart asked Christ to reveal himself to me and I literally felt his presence come into the room. Yes, it was a surreal experience, I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. I felt emotions I had never felt. Since then, my life was never the same. I was HUMBLE enough to ask God to reveal himself to me. I don't have a RELIGION, I have a RELATIONSHIP. Massive difference. My spiritual eyes have been opened and the light of Christ has been shared with me. My sins have been forgiven. Church, religion is not the most important thing. Christ came to save us through GRACE, not through RELIGIOUS works or what we can do through our actions. I our works are filthy rags in God's eyes. Why? Because He sent His Son Jesus Christ to be sacrificed on the cross for all of our sins. The price has already been payed. We don't need works or religion to get to God. Whatever you've heard about Christians and religion is false. I'm a proper Christian, saved by grace. Jesus is against religion. It's in the bible. He rebuked the religious people countless times.

Nobody, no organisation taught me what I know. I didn't get saved in a church setting. It was personal, in my home, just me and God. My parents didn't teach me anything, neither my family. It was a personal experience and everyone else can have the same thing, if we're just humble enough for 10 seconds of our time, but most of us are too arrogant (naturally through westernized culture and media) to even give God a chance.