How do u interpret this really weird dream?


New member
Feb 13, 2011
okay its reeeeeeaally weird idk what it means can u help?? its REALLY weird though and im sooooo confusedd...
i know its reaally long but please read it its so confusing!!! and its entertaining at the same timee lol
so here it goes...

so it starts out where im eminem's wife and we are fightingg in the basement. he is really depressed so now he wants to rape people cuz he's depressed and im like "no u cant rape people youre only supposed to talk about raping people in your songs" (like in the song my name is when he dosnt know "which spice girl he wants to impregnate" lol. i know its really weird).
then i turn back into my normal self, and i go upstairs to check on these 4 little girls im babysitting at my friends house. they have this bowl cookies that looks like the ones my mom bought recently except theyre deformed. three of the girls are trying to tell their other freind that she has to pay money for a cookie, theen i gave this speech about how reall freinds dont do that, so they stop bribing the girl and say sorry.
then eminem turns into my ex-crush and he walks in the room. i take the bowl of cookies and it breaks so i try to hide it while me and my ex-crush (we'll just call him X) clean up the kitchen. the kids' mom comes home and nootices the clean kitchen but not the broken bowl, and she thanks us. me and X leave the room and argue a lot more about his "depression mode", then i stalk off out of earshot and mutter "i cant believe i liked him".
then a taxi comes to pick up X for this rape convention thing (like i said before its reeeeeallly weird). the rape convention takes place in back of a mall and a bunch of taxis and buses are sent out too find people and rapists who want to go. the group has been around for a while, but now they plan their last huge rape scheme.
anyway the taxi comes, then X turns into my grandma who has a walker, then i say something like "how can u rape if u can barely walk". then she/he (idk its weird) walks out towards the taxi. then this part gets even weirder and i somehow rewind this part of the dream so X never turns into my grandma and just stays as himself. he then walks out towards the taxi while im standing there crying. the taxi leaves and i realize i cant let him do this so i chase after them on foot.
i ran the 15 miles to the back lot of the mall, and see that there are loads of taxis and buses coming,and hundreds of potential rapist, but X and his taxi driver didnt get there yet, so i wait and look for them. the taxi pulls over and he gets out, then talks to one of the rapists while we are walking around the lot. at this point ive finally given up, im really upset, but i just walk with them anyway and dont say a word because i dont really even care anymore. while we are walking, his hair color also changes to red, and im also not really sure if that is even X because he doesnt even have red hair.
the rapist says something, but im not sure what, but then X answers with "actually, there's only one girl i really care about now." then he turns to me and says "i hope she doesnt mind if i do this". my heart skips a few beats and i think "i cant believe this is finally happening". he takes a hold of me and then kisses me, and im like, wow, speechless. then he holds my waist and tells the rapist "im sorry, but i wont be doing this anymore". the rapist just doesnt care and he walks away. idk i think X realized that i really cared about him and this was wrong so i guess he just decided not to do it.
then me and X walk away from thee mall down the road and we are happy. then we start singing an eminem song, but i forget which one, then i say "i dont know that eminem song that well, but i know mockingbird" and i start singing that, while we are walking, then i wake up and the dream ends.

wow that was a lot!!! woww so do u know what this meanss?? cause im clueless i was thinking about eminem, rapists, and my ex-crush at the same time or something!!! and i know X would never do anything like that so i dont know why i dreamt it. anyway, what does this mean?? please comment :)