How do I modify a mobile magmount to use as a base antenna?



I have a Kenwood HT and, due to budget restrictions, I wish to build a mod to use my mobile mag mount at my desk as a base antenna.
I know I need to add ground plane radials. What length and how many do I need? Can I make a metal base with radials that the magmount can magnetically attach to?
Also, is this a safe alternative to an outside antenna (due to radio wave emissions).
I would get a sheet of steel , say ,, 1 foot square and then attach radials to that.
Each radial need to be 1/4 wavelength long at the operating frequency.
You would be needing at least four radials going out at 90 degrees from the base.
Your magmount will stick to the steel base like it does on a car roof.

Better antennas radiate more RF energy than poor antennas , so this antenna probably would be best used outdoors.
This will give again better performance and reduce your RF exposure.
A hand-held radio should have no problem with RF exposure. After all, you hold it up to your mouth to talk on it. The mag mount will work as a base antenna. If you have 2 metal file cabinets side-by-side, put the mag mount in the middle and you should be good to go. Keep the antenna away from computers as it will tend to distort the display. If you don't have any metal filing cabinets, a piece of metal about that size will work. It doesn't have to be heavy or thick.