How do i get music back on my iphone 4 after i restored from a backup?


New member
May 24, 2008
If you saw my last question you would understand that i downloaded the ios 7 and restored my iphone. well i fixed my problem and now i have a new one. I restored my iphone and got everything back except for the music. this is something i use everyday so its really important to me that i get this back. I lost almost 200 songs and i need help to get them back. The laptop with all my music on it was my schools laptop and i gave that back last week. that was the only way i could get it back. Now im using my living room pc and theres itunes on this but its not my library and i dont want my dads 70's music on my iphone... can someone please help me get my songs back to me!?!?!?!?