How do i feed my 3 months old shih tzu?


New member
Dec 28, 2012
So i recently bought a 12 week old shih tzu and i have a month of winter break. But when school starts, no one would be there for him. My school ends at 5 p.m. I'll feed him in the morning and for dinner. He's going to be alone for about 10 hours.. Dogsitting is NOT a choice, but i was thinking of getting a Kong. Since he's a baby he would be sleeping most of the time? And what happens if he keeps digging and whining? HELLLLPPPP ASAPP
If dogsitting or a dog walker is not a choice then you shouldn't have been so selfish as to have bought him.

You can't leave a dog in a crate for 10 hours and if you leave him free you are likely to come home to a wrecked house and him with a blocked stomach.

I think the regularity of food is the least of your problems and if he could still be fed three times a day in those hours or twice as he is a little older.

You should of got a cat or a rabbit.
You bought a 12 week old puppy and are only now thinking about what happens when you all go off for the working week? Shock horror - what to do with him for the 10 hours!!! NO puppy should be left for longer than 2 hours absolute maximum. And no adult for longer than 4 hours without the opportunity to go outside to empty.

I can't say more (bangs head), other than take him straight back to his breeder - who should have asked far more about what was intended for the puppy they brought into the world. Your only other option IS a dog sitter, or getting him into a creche for the week-days. BTW. He'll need 3 meals a day, breakfast, LUNCH, and tea. And you can't just pour food into a bowl and leave it for him to figure out what it's lunchtime!