How do i begin my career in driving Mustangs for Ford Racing?


New member
Dec 17, 2011
Hey im Bronson and Im 22 years old and reside in Rochester, NY. Ever since i was a child, i grew up on fords thanks to my dad. Now im not one of those guys who cant drive Chevy or imports because it doesn't matter to me. I started my obsession with racing and mustangs when my dad brought me to a drag race at an early age and ever since i got that first whiff of race fuel and burning tires i knew that this was for me. Ever since, i began looking for Mustangs because i always thought they were most appealing to me so i saved my money up for years and years and years and finally got my 02 Mustang Convertible. I thought it was the coolest thing to have my V6 automatic black Mustang whipping up and down the streets and modding the crap out of it to make it my own. Getting into few street races i noticed that a 6 banger needed an upgrade so i sold the car to a really nice young kid and got my 05 Mustang GT. Modded the crap out of it and are currently in the process of more mods and such to make it my own. That car is my baby and i literally think about it more than anything else to the point where i think it might be a problem ha ha. I don't care though because in my eyes, im living a good portion of my dreams. After a while and winning a ton of street races and just going to car show and showing off my investment for others to appreciate, i began to wonder....hmmm....i want to make a career out of this somehow. Endless and countless nights i would spend on the internet looking up car videos and races. I couldn't stop. I checked out Ford Racing's Performance school and it grabbed my attention like no other. I wanted to drive Mustangs for a team but not just any team. The Ford Racing team or something alike such as Roush and etc. I began speaking with people about it and called the school and they told be all about getting my racing license. Its sooooo expensive but the thing is, if it gets my foot in the door somewhere, ill do it. I then began speaking with my friends and family. They all just laughed at me and thought it was a joke which kind of sucks because you would think that the people the closest to you would have some faith and you and support you no matter what. I guess that just adds to the fact that i want to race even more just to prove a point that i can do anything i push my mind to. A little about my education background is as follows: I graduated High School and i have my Associates degree in Liberal Arts General Studies. I also fiddled around with computers a ton and am very knowledgeable when it comes to anything involving technology. I am also very musically inclined and can play guitar, bass, drums, piano and sing. Im also very much into fitness and i maintain my body very well. Yes, im basically selling myself on yahoo answers but i just need a little help and guidance. I don't know where to start on this career and i know im only 22 but i feel like im not getting any younger. I feel like, the sooner the better. I see these kids going into NASCAR and they are even younger than i am! Its crazy but im so happy for those kids. It just goes to show that my dreams are reachable and i just need the right roads to go down. If anybody is out there that can give me any support, advise, guidance, or anything it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Much,
