How can I get my dog to stop whining?


New member
Jan 7, 2012
I have a purebred german short hair pointer who NEVER stops whining. I run him every day, feed him twice a day, he always has enough water, he has a canopy outside and a heated dog house and spends most of the day inside with me when I am home. He also sleeps inside at night. But every time I put him outside (because I am vacuuming or have guest over, etc.) he sits and whines at the back door. Then when I walk past the back door it starts up again. I will wait until he stops before I let him in or take him for a run so he doesn't associate whining with getting what he wants but it takes hours and the second I open the door he starts whining with excitement or as if to say "Its about time". I try so hard not to give in when he whines but when I give it a few minutes of not whining he just starts again or when I give him what he wants when he doesn't whine he whines in excitement or just to whine. I am about to lose it. I am not a dog person at all but have to take care of my husbands stupid dog when he is out of town. PLEASE help me!!