help! what do you guys think of this?


New member
Nov 21, 2008
my boyfriend made me leave his house on tuesday to call his ex back bcuz she called him while i was there. he hasnt talked to me since. i got a hold of her and she told me he told her hes using me and doesnt care about me and that he loves her still etc... but she told him she doesnt like him like that anymore. so pretty much ive been lied to for the past 3 months.

i have to see him at work tomorrow, so i wrote him a letter telling him everything she told me, and then this is the ending part of it. let me know what you think!!

i mean did u ever once think about what you were doing? dont u have a conscience, didnt you know it was wrong? especially when u saw that i really cared about you? i never hesitated to do anything u asked. i tried my best to cheer you up after a bad day. i was in love with you, but i guess i didnt know the real you. i guess i was just in love with your lies. maybe things werent perfect always, but like i said before, it takes time, and you were never really in it mitch, ur head was somewhere else, and thats why it didnt feel the same. because u didnt give it a chance too..u never gave me a fair chance.. u were the one sitting here telling me, 'dont hurt me' 'ill never go anywhere' 'all i ask is for respect from u and ill give it to you back' HAHA. you’re so full of ****. unfortunately though i didnt know until now. megan told jimmy when u called her and told him to tell me. and he did. and unfortunately i believed you over him. and even when my friends told me your shady, i believed you once again. because i trusted you. because i figured you were a good person...boy was i wrong. I always blamed myself too, thinking i must have done something wrong for you to be mad at me, thinking i wasnt doing a good enough job keeping you happy. But now i know that it wasnt ever me, it was YOU.. No one held a gun to your head and forced you to be with me. no one made you say all those things to me. it was all your choice. you're a good actor buddy. thats all i got to say. its like these song lyrics were made just for you:

You put on quite a show
Really had me going
But now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closing
That was quite a show
Very entertainin'
But it's over now
Go on and take a bow
Ohh, and the award for the best liar goes to you
For making me believe that you could be faithful to me
Let's hear your speech"

but this is all the past now. and im just going to pretend nothing ever happened between us. im not going to go look for revenge, im not going to tell everyone what you did. im more mature than that. im NOT mad you had feelings still for your ex, but i am mad about you lying to me about every single thing. mad that you lead me on. mad that you played with my emotions like that. and i can imagine how you feel, but whaat you're doing isnt healthy. i hope you dont get involved with anyone else again and hurt them, like you did to me, unless you are sure you're ready to move on. i didnt and dont deserve that. no one does. when i see you at work, im just going to act like these 3 months never happened. ur just gonna be that cook again. nothing more, nothing less. im not going to try to avoid you and give you dirty looks or whatever.. im 20 years old, and im going to act like it. i used to have respect for you, i used to think 'wow, hes really a good guy'..ha i guess i was waaay off...and dont worry, i dont expect an apology out of you, because i heard more than enough to know you could care less about're not a real're a LOSER..cuz a real man, a good man, wouldn’t have done this to anyone..especially someone who really cared about him..maybe one day you'll get all the **** in your mind straight and realize how much you ****** up and how selfish you acted..but until then, at least ill have the satisfaction knowing that it’s your loss..