HELP!!! I have jailbroken my ipad 2 and it's stuck!!!!!?


New member
Jun 10, 2008
HELP!!! I have jailbroken my ipad 2 and it's stuck!!!!!?
I have applock and i added this cool animation option where you slide the thing to unlock the iPad, the screen turns and does something to get to the home screen, reverts back to the lock screen, and the slide thing just stays to the right and i can't move unless it turn it off and do it again which results in the same effect. How do I delete jailbreak, fix this or unfreeze it at the unlock screen. HELP!!!
I also put a passcode on it and when i try to update or restore, it says A passcode must be resolved before restoration or something, but I can't enter the passcode. Help
I'd say to plug it up to your laptop or computer and go onto iTunes go to your apps and remove it from your current app list.