HELP! ECZEMA RASH ON MY CHEEK (IMAGE INCLUDED), has anyone tried using California


New member
Nov 15, 2008
Baby's product with success? Ok, this is a bit long but it will only takes about 5 minutes of your time, I really need help on this problem, thank you! :(

I recently have this eczema pimple lookalike, pinkish-red kind of itchy rash on my right cheek :(


I really don't want to use back hydrocortisone or any other steroid creams anymore, because all these prescription creams has worsen the condition, causing my face sensitive to the sun as well. It's like, when I stop using it, the problem comes back again 3 weeks later, and the problem comes back even greater. I've been prescribed non-steroid cream as well, Elidel and Protopic. Protopic burned my skin, and Elidel gave me cough (it's proven it gives internal side effect).

I've had bad experience with moisturizer cream that contains Petroleum, Mineral Oil, and Paraffin because all these ingredients actually form an oily film that sits on top of the skin, preventing moisture from evaporating. It has a drying effect, it actually suck out the moisture of your lips/skin, which is why you have to constantly reapplying it.

I've just change my cleanser from "Cetaphil Gentle cleanser" to "California Baby Shampoo & Bodywash, Super Sensitive (can be used on face)". Because RECENTLY I did a research about this harmful chemical ingredient called Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS), it's actually cheap detergent that people used in car washes, as garage floor cleaners, and engine degreasers etc. After the research I looked at the back of the Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser and DANG, it has SLS and another harmful ingredient called "Propylene Glycol". For Christ sake I've been using it for 4 years. :(

By the way, I've spent a fortune for this problem and been to many dermatologists and ended up transferred to a senior skin specialist dermatologist, one of the best in my area but still pretty useless. And there was one time in 2006 I put on a full makeup, the brand was Clique. It was the first time and also the final time I applied makeup because aster washing off I realised my face was peeling already. Then later that year I did a skin patch test and turned out that I'm allergic to a fragrance called "Lyral". It's is a fragrance that is present in many cosmetic products. I've not been putting any cosmetic to my face ever since that incident. Then this year I took IgE blood test and Food Allergy Test. My IgE stated 73 IU/ML and I asked the laboratory person what does it mean and he said that any number that’s under than 87 is normal.

The food in the test are Hazelnut, Lobster, Sacharomyes Cerevisiale, Shellfish Mix, Squid, Chicken, Codfish, Corn, Crab, Egg White, Milk, Peanut, Potato, Rice, Shrimp, Soyabean, and Wheat.

The food allergy test on the print-out all stated class 0, which means I’m not allergic to any of those.

I did a fungal test before but it turned out negative, which means I don't have it. I also once suspect this might be perioral dermatitis so I asked if I could take antibiotic but the dermatologist refused to give it to me and said that my type of eczema is called Atopic Eczema.

He told me that if I'm so paranoid to use back steroid cream, just keep moisturizing. I asked him if by moisturizing alone would it clear off the rash and he couldn't give me a confident answer, he just replied, "it will improve the condition" -_-

He gave me this moisturizer called "Physiogel Al Cream", this is the ingredient,

Aqua, Olea, Europaea, Glycerin, Pentylene, Glycol, Palm Glycerides, Olus, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Squalane, Betaine, Palmitamide MEA, Acetamide MEA, Sarcosine, Hydroxyethyl-cellulose, Sodium Carbomer, Carbomer, Xanthan Gum

After trying out two times I still find it quite greasy even though there isn't any petroleum or mineral oil.

So now I'm looking for an alternative way to deal with this problem because I really don't want to use back the stupid steroid cream or those moisturizer that comes with crappy ingredients.

Also, I was reading this California Baby Calendula Cream review over this site,

The product was rated 4.5 out of 5 stars based on 44 users. 90% of them commented that the cream cleared off rash problems like cradle crap, eczema rash on face etc. Even some adults commented that they have facial eczema rash, perioral dermatitis, dry skin etc used this product and has worked wonders in healing their skin.

So I've been using the California Baby Super Sensitive wash for my face, and have applied the the California Baby Calendula Cream on my face for the second time. It somehow stop the itch a bit, but I am wondering how long it will take to clear off the rash.

So has anyone of you tried using California Baby Calendua cream with success?

Also, can moisturizing alone clear off the eczema facial rash? Or am I doomed to use back steroid?

Omg :(

P.S. I've been on this "detox diet" for close to 6 weeks already, I've stop eating eating meat and poultry. I only take one meal a day which consist 1 plate of brown rice, and 3 serves of spinach and broccoli, 2 bananas and 2 apples. I'd take fish at most twice a week though. I've also been drinking only watr, 12 glasses a day. I used to sh*t twice a week but ever since I started out this "detox diet" I've been sh*tting everyday. Yes, it does help to clean my bowel and liver but I still don't understand why recently I get this sudden rash appearing on my right cheek. :(