Hello, can you recommend some good games to download from Xbox Live game marketplace?


New member
Nov 20, 2008
Games I already own and have finished or still playing:
1. Left 4 Dead and 2
2. Bioshock and 2
3.Fallout 3
4.Assassins Creed
5. Alan Wake
6. Oblivion
7. Guitar Hero 2 and 5
8. Red Dead Redemption
9. Borderlands
10. MW2
11. Limbo (this a really cool cheap arcade game btw for those that haven't played, horror + puzzles)
12. Gears of war 1 and 2
13.FEAR 2
14. GTA IV
15. Laura Croft: GOL
16. DR2: Case Zero
17. COD 2and 4 (not really interested in Black OPs)
18.The Orange Box ( my avatar is the Engy)

Games I'm already downloading:
1. Max Payne 2
2.Batman Arkham Asylum

I still have about 4,000 points so can you reccomend a game.