Have you ever made out with an opposite sex friend, because they've begged you


New member
Feb 22, 2010
to over and over again? (Not because you wanted to, mind, but just to shut them up!) And if so, did you give them a crap make-out, so they'd never ask you to make out with them again, or did you give them a good make-out, and make it feel really nice for them? A platonic female friend made out with me a few years ago, (just to shut me up), because I kept begging her for a kiss, and if she'd wanted to get me off her back, you'd think she'd have at least given me a **** make-out, but it actually felt really nice when we kissed, and it really turned me on, as I remember. Have you ever made out with an opposite friend, to stop them begging like a bloody dog for it? Or maybe, an opposite sex friend's made out with YOU, to shut YOU up, when you've begged them to make out with you? Either way, I'd really appreciate your angles on this one, please, guys. Much obliged! Peace and love! Be lucky! :)
If an opposite sex friend's made out with you in the past, just to shut you up, when you've begged them for a kiss, how did it feel for you? :/
Nope. I choose friends who respect my decision if I don't want to become physically or romantically involved with them. It's an unnecessary complication in a friendship, and can spell disaster down the track if you stay friends.
Nope. I choose friends who respect my decision if I don't want to become physically or romantically involved with them. It's an unnecessary complication in a friendship, and can spell disaster down the track if you stay friends.