Harry Potter fans? Contacts, and anyone else who can be bothered answering


New member
Jun 21, 2008
this, I really need your help!!? Okay, so I'm writing a Harry Potter fanfiction story, just for the fuun of it, I have a lot of spare time, due to the fact I can't go out, cos I didn't go to shool, and blah, blah, blah!
I have a few good ideas (well, I think they're okay), but I've got no idea how to put them together and keep the audience interested.
I'm trying to make it humurous (or however you spell it, the funny word, lol=]).
Professor Sprout & Dumbledore are in a relationship, McGonagol (or whatever) is attrcated to Millicent Bullstrode, Dumbledore had an unfortunate inident with a crumple-horned snorcack (once again, I've got no idea how to spell it, so, just, forgive my further spelling mistakes), and must shout DUMBLEDORRRE!! whenever he enters a new room, and he sounds like a form of munchkin whenever he says his own name, Sirius Black has had too much chilli and spiderman accidently leaps into the bat-cave in azkaban.
I just need ideas how to keep it together, and, like, no rambling:S
Any help would be appreciated so much!!