Good price for a 2002 WRX?


New member
Feb 17, 2012
Been wanting to get a WRX for a while now, but never really had the cash for one. Still don't really, but if this is a good deal I may to take up on the offer. The only thing that bothers me is the mileage. I know Subarus can go for a while, but just how long? This car has had one owner, so I'm guessing it was adult owned and it looks completely stock. It does look a little rusty to me though. Is it worth it? Also, I've never bought a used car before. When I go test drive it, will I take it home overnight? A friend told me told me to get it checked out by "Subaru Dave" at another dealership. If I don't get to keep it overnight how do I get it inspected? What tests should I have done to it? How much do you think I could get off the list price? Thanks!