Global Warming - The Greatest Propaganda Lobbyists Ever Came Up With.?


New member
Oct 15, 2008
Now I'm not going to say that the Earth has not been warming but I will be one of the first to acknowledge that it has also been cooling. The Earth has gone through periods with extreme heat, during the old days when ice (yes, entire ice caps) melted away providing fertile land for mankind. Even before then the world saw periods of intense global warming way hotter than we are experiencing. There has always been fluctuating temperatures on Earth from the Ice Age until now. Has mankind contributed to Global Warming? The answer is yes but we are talking such a minimal impact not a digit in rising temperatures is our fault. There are so many gases being released into the air by so many other factors that our emissions are insignificant in the whole process. We are talking not even a digit drop in degree can be attributed to mankind. These days you hear a lot about the lobbyist influence in Washington. Well the ones who are spreading the word and shutting up opposing scientists are indeed Global Warming Lobbyists. Does anyone else think it's time to band together and expose this propaganda for what it is, people lobbying for green tech? We shouldn't be scared into thinking we're all going to die from global warming like they want us to. It's proven that the Earth gets hotter and colder all on its own. What we the people should be fighting for is green tech to provide us with cleaner air to breathe. Not because of lobbyists scare tactics such as Global Warming! Rise up together with me my fellow Americans and demand the truth! We can all support a clean Earth but propaganda is not a welcome addition in our plight for a green planet! Who's with me?