Glenn Hubbard's snake-draped baseball card is now a bobblehead


Jun 17, 2007
If you're a casual baseball fan, chances are you have a shoebox or two full of baseball cards packed away somewhere in your home.
If your fandom goes beyond that casual threshold, then there's a good chance that collection graduated from shoeboxes to regulation boxes a long time ago. And those boxes are probably in a room or closet taking up more space than your family or significant other is comfortable with.
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For those in the latter category, there are some cards that are cherished more than others. Whether it be a favorite player from their childhood or a rookie card of a future superstar, those valuable cards tend to receive special care. Then there are cards we remember for other reasons, such as a mistake, a funny name or because the card features something truly unique.
That's Glenn Hubbard, a 12-year major leaguer who played his final game in 1989. And that's a real, eight-foot boa constrictor draped around his neck, making it perhaps the strangest baseball card in existence.
The card was part of a Fleer collection released in 1984. Hubbard was coming off his best big league season in 1983 and his only All-Star selection, so his card would have been a pretty hot commodity at that time. But the whole snake thing took it to another level and makes it a much discussed card to this day.
But now, thanks to the Lexington Legends, it's going to reach another new level of notoriety.
This week, the Kansas City Royals Class A affiliate announced they will be giving away a bobblehead depicting Hubbard's memorable card at their game on June 24. The promotion is one of several announced by the team this week, and they've promised to provide more details on how fans can get their hands on the Glenn Hubbard bobblehead on Friday.
Legends 2016 Promo Schedule #stachetastic
— Lexington Legends (@LexingtonLegend) February 11, 2016
Hubbard is now a coach for the Legends, so that's the connection. And now that he's getting his own bobblehead, he'll be a legend of a different sort and perhaps the subject of one of the most sought-after bobbleheads to ever be manufactured.
[Related: BLS Roundtable: What's the strangest baseball card you own?]
We would assume that wasn't even a consideration when Hubbard draped that snake around his neck over 30 years ago. But who knows, maybe Hubbard was just ahead of the marketing game and knew baseball would eventually catch up.*
Of course, this is probably one of those things that's better left assumed, because who really wants to ask or know what goes through the mind of baseball player who poses with a snake around his neck?*
BLS H/N: Cut 4*
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Mark Townsend is a writer for Big League Stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter! Follow @Townie813