Girls does it seem like she is interested in me from this conversation?


May 20, 2008
ive known her for only about almost 2 weeks. we are both 19.

her: sorry i feel asleep again haha whats up
me: hey not much just at the beach on this very beautiful about u?
her: aww what?! luckyyy i was tanning and swimming. now im getting ready to go out ;)
me: yeah lol its perf weather. u should go this weekend. i need a tan hahaa jp im tan enough. but lemme guess ur goin out shoppin?
her: I should huh?! haha yes u are. no i'm meeting some friends at Row's and we are going to have some champagne haha
me: yes u most def should hahaa. woww u must really love Row's huh you're there all the time lol
her: nah not as much as before. i just started going recently
me: nicee nice..guess wat? i went out for a run today it was hard but i found motivation
her: yayyy :) good for u! what motivated you?
me: hahaa theres gonna be college scouts at our soccer game in april so i need to be fit.
her: oh okay that's good :) how exciting!!
me: yeahh i know u should come watch if ur not busy that day or anythin :)
her: yeah sure :) just let me know

then an hour later she texts me and says

her: who are u at the beach with?
me: i went with some friends but im not at the beach anymoree i was there for a while loll
me: we'll go to the beach together sometime real soon but only if its coo with u :)
her: yah im down :) sorry i just got ur text...
me: aite for was ur night??
her: it was great :) eating and drinking with my friends. i have to work out tomorrow though drinking is no goodd

she sent that text at 1:30 am and i didnt respond until 6 pm the next day.

me: did uu end up workin out today like you said you would :) ?
her: haha not yet when i get home :)
me: haha okay dont u forget...think imma go soon too
her: haha i wont! i have to look food in a bikini
me: haha food?? you're trying to look good in a bikini for when we go to the beach huh?
her: hahaha duhh i need to look good in a bikini
me: haha im sure u look really good in a bikini so stop worryinggg
her: hahaha u dont know that jk
me: soo u think im going to be able to see u before u head out to florida during the break?
her: im actually going to new york first haha yeah i dont think that will be a problem
me: nice when are you flying over there?
her: probably the 28th i think
me: alritee then we'll do somethin when your done with your finals

she responds about an hour or so later saying

her: okiee