getting started with a sports bike...?

Apr 4, 2010

So,I am 16, i have my license, etc. anyway, ive been looking at cars for a while, and being on a tight budget there are very few options for me (the most i can spend at the moment is 3000). so i have moved on from cars to, you guessed it, motorcycles. But im not really the harley kind of person, a touring bike would only be my thing if i happened to travel cross country all the im sticking to sports bikes for now.

my girlfriend has a strange obsession with sports bikes, and shes telling me the best way to go is either ducati or a kawasaki ninja. i couldnt find a ducati for 3000 or under, ninjas i had more luck with. so question #1: any other bike recommendations? i dont want something known for breaking or having too many of any problems. speed and power really dont matter to me at this point in time, when i have a bigger budget ill start getting picky in that area

okay, so lets fast forward a month: i have a motorcycle. what now? i dont know for a fact but im pretty freakin sure you need a special license to operate any motorcycle/atv/moped/whatever. question #2: where do i go for this, how much will it likely cost, and how long does it take?

Safety is also a big issue here. Now, this might possibly be a surprise, but i really hate it when anyone, whether on a motorcycle or any kind of "pimped out" 1990 honda hatchback, weaves in and out of traffic like everyone should be going 90. if i get a sport bike, im most likely going to be going around the speed limit, not driving like a dumbasss. but no matter what i say, almost every female im close to is going to freak out when i get on this motorcycle. i mean, ive heard horror stories about people dying on these, but if your a decent (and aware) driver, (#3) is it really that bad, or is it all based on luck? fill me in here with anything you know.

Back to the money issue, by time all this happens i really hope i will have a job, but i am basing most of my want to buy a motorcycle on the fact that they dont take a lot of gas to operate. But, i have to keep insurance in mind. i heard motorcycle insurance is cheap because it doesnt cover injury, but does that mean my life or health insurance is going to be hiked up because of this? i dont pay for either of those but if either are affected all that much i know its not going to fly with my parents (thats question #4)

lastly, question #5, please fill me in with any other information i might or might not need. im a beginner at this and im not afraid to let it be known, but i dont always want to be a beginner. so, if theres anything else i should know, please let me know.

whew...lot of words.
tl;dr version:
i want to start riding a sports bike.
1. what kind of bike is best for a beginner
2. what kind of license do i need and how much/how long does it take
3. how safe are these, taking into account being a good driver 4. how is motorcycle insurance/will my health/life insurance change?
5. any other info
The Kawasakin Ninja 250R is your best bet. It is, firstly, a beginner bike. Secondly, it looks good. Third(ly?), it is very inexpensive. You can get a 1 or 2 year old bike with lowish mileage for $2500-3000, and it is dirt cheap to insure. This is a great bike, with enough power to get you where you need to go, but not so much as to get you in trouble.
ive ridden hundreds of thousands of miles on every kind of bike, from Harleys to Hayabusas. a motorcycle is as safe as any other vehicle if operated properly. just look out for the other guy, and anticipate what other drivers are going to do. take a Motorcycle Saftey Foundation's basic rider course. it runs from $25-$350 depending on the state you live in.
look around for a bike, try to stick with the big 5. Honda, Suzuki, Kawasaki, BMW, Harley Davidson. you cant really go wrong with any of the bikes these companys put out.
get yourself a 600-650 Suzuki or Kawasaki.