Games for my console, new video card or what ?


New member
Oct 19, 2008
Okay, so we all know christmas is coming. I will get enough money for at least 2 new (59.99$) games for my xbox 360, or a 9800 GT for my dual core, 2.2 GHz, current 7300 LE, 2 GB ram. Or i could buy 1 game and Xbox live for a year.
1. 2 games
2. video card, but I am afraid my pc will be a BOTTLENECK if you know what im saying. like a powerful gpu, not so good cpu.
3. One game and xbox live.

the games i curently have are gta 4, fifa 08 and gears of war 2 im buying. I will buy either call of dutys. why? i sahll wait and see if cod 5 SUX and ppl hate it and dont play online, the obvsly ill go buy cod 4 and play online. The other games could be fallout 3, bioshock + assassin's creed, fable 2, OR live as i said. PLEASE help me decide. Thank you