Fun Trivia #2: The Origins Of Funk: Funk Rock?


New member
Nov 15, 2008
"In the fourth installment of the series we'll look at the songs and artists that combined elements of rock & roll and funk into a potent, danceable mix."

1. Many funk rock groups attained chart success, but which of the following mainstream rock acts recorded a number one funk rock single?

Steve Miller Band
All of them
Gary Wright
The Rolling Stones

2. Although not instantly thought of as a funk rock act, Rick James fits the genre upon closer listen. What did he name his brand of funk rock?

Crazilicious funk
Dirty funk
Punk funk
Stone City funk

3. Funk rock received critical acclaim and a Grammy in 1989 for "Cult Of Personality" performed by what New York City band?

Red Hot Chili Peppers
Rage Against The Machine
Talking Heads
Living Colour

4. As the nineties ushered in a more guitar oriented funk rock sound, what artist reworked a Guess Who classic into funk rock hit of his own?

Eric Clapton
Mick Jagger
James Brown
Lenny Kravitz

5. Rising out of the influence of The Clash's funky experimentation on their album "Sandinista", what Texas group created a hard-driving extension of funk rock called funkcore?

Big Boys