Female guppy harassing male guppy.(?)?


New member
Nov 15, 2008
I put a pair of guppies in a breeder net (to ensure those two mate because of their colors.) The female is smaller than the male and she is picking on him kind of like males usually do to get the female to mate with them. I'm very puzzled. I'm sure I don't have the sexes mixed up, and I'm kinda thinking the female is horny.(?)
1. It is a young female, but im sure she is ready to breed because she gave birth about a month and a half ago.

2. I am positive that I do not have the sexes mixed up because I have examined their bottom fin (male=tube shape, female=fan shape)

3. I have been monitering them and them have not mated yet, so thats not the case.

4.No gravid spot.

5. It almost seems like the male is trying to "get away" from the female.
Are you REALLY sure one is a female and one is a male? I only ask this because (1) Females are almost ALWAYS bigger than the males, and (2) Only males have color. (You said you want those two to mate because of "their colors.")

It kind of sounds like you have a dominant male picking on another male... entirely normal behavior.
LOL thats exactly what my male does.. When the female has a gravid spot or its belly starts to get big.. leave the female in the breeder and put the male back into the main tank. its just what happens after they breed.. one of them starts to harass each other.

Post below me: Females do sometimes have color, My females have some color, and one is really colorful... I know their female becuase their pregnant, and they dont have a gonopondrium