Dreaming of a particular person? Why?


New member
Sep 27, 2011
Background info: So about 6 months ago I met a guy at a friends house warming. He showed an interest in me. There is something so unique about him, never met anyone else like him. I will admit I am insanely curious about him and have been trying to organize with my friend to invite him to things to get to know him better, but he's been away for a while and studies a difficult degree.

Anyway, back to the dreams. So for about 2 and a half months I've been dreaming about just normal social situations.. like going to a restaurant with friends, camping, going to a bowling alley, etc. And he is ALWAYS in the dream and he is always the main focus. Talking with him, etc.
I never have "normal" dreams like this. I usually dream of a giant trying to find me and I'm hiding in a house or crazy colourful dreams of adventures. I also never dream about people other than my immediate family and 2 or 3 of my close friends. He is the person I've dreamt the most about in my whole life.
What could this mean? Why am I dreaming like this?
I'd appreciate intelligent, thoughtful comments :)
It may mean your subconscious is connected to his and you know what you should check yourself thats always a tricky thing, cause you're keeping a glimps of his presence in you mind unconscious may for what you heard bout him, or what he said or did,.. There its an emotional infatuation, you can call him maybe have a chat with him and you'll stop dreaming bout him,.. Watch out, don't think he's somewhat a soulmate...
Well, to be honest I'm not an expert at these things. But it's most probably because of your desire to get to know him. Usually, you dream about something or someone whom you think about often, and one that you feel particularly interested in. I know this isn't really a very thoughtful answer, but I hope it helps! :)