Does anyone know the correct trivia answers for US 99.5, & other great radio


New member
Feb 5, 2011
stations for June 24, 2009? Good Morning All! Happy Hump Day!

June birthday’s & Anniversary’s: sharp_sue 6th, Sherry 8th (mrs crazzinjim a special one!) Jake 9th (prince Fred’s grandson), n7ybn 9th ,Jim 9th (my husband), Sactownlang 14th,Kim A 16th , Mannamam 16th (her 51st), country 23rd.

from last night:Well, Lincoln is doing awesome! They are going to try to transfer him back to Rockford on Wednesday morning. The doctor said that his eye looks very improved from last week. Although it is improved there is a possibility that he will need another surgery sometime in the future. Lincoln is just under the 10lb. mark! thats about 8.5 times his original weight! Lincoln is off of the oxygen, and all IV fluids. He is now fully reliant on milk, without any issues with his bowels! Everything is coming together! Isn't it amazing?! Prayer works wonders! Thank you all for being such faithful Lincolnites!

Here is a new video of his adorable gummy smile!

<a href= rel=nofollow>…</a>

Prayers are still being said daily for all of our Trivia Friends and Family and hoping all will continue to get stronger as each day passes.

Closer to the weekend and our Tap Tap Tap dancing friend who only has 2 more days of work!

Thank You for all of your help! :)