Do you think Y!A should just get rid of the religion section?


New member
Sep 1, 2008
Because most of the time its christians arguing against atheist or vice versa. The religious argument will never ever be won. No one will know till after we are dead. There is zero proof that something happens after we die or if something doesnt. We need to start showing more respect for each others beliefs.
so my question is Do you think Y!A should just get rid of the religion section?
and please keep your answers civilized
ps im atheist, my mom is catholic and my boyfriend is hindu, we manage to get along
Shadus you make a very good point
You would have to do away with all the people!
Religion will be here until Jesus Christ returns for his saints.I venture to say,even when this event happens.
but its so much fun!! seriously though, I try to be civil...but the ignorance and insults just keep getting worse and I need to defend myself and my right as a free thinking human! I dont have a problem with anyones religions, I just have a problem with being insulted because I think differently to people!
Much as i'd like t see the world free of religion, I don't think getting rid of R&S would help. After all, it seems to be the liveliest bit of the whole Answers! thing.

I also don't really understand why I should have "respect" for religion. I don't have special respect for political beliefs or which football team a person follows, why should this be any different? I respect people's right to believe what they want, but I also reserve the right to point out that they are - according to the evidence - wrong.